Health Video

  • How to Take Your Own Blood Pressure

    How to Take Your Own Blood Pressure

    The process of taking your own blood pressure is very simple. All you need to have is the right equipments. You need an automated blood pressure instrument which is easily available at medical stores. Avoid smoking, hot beverages and exercise 30 minutes prior to the measurement.

  •  How to exercise if you have heart disease

    How to exercise if you have heart disease

    A heart patient should only do prescribed exercises by the doctor. Exercises should be done in the form of cycling, swimming, jogging and brisk walking. All these exercises are known as isotonic exercises.

  • What is a Heart Healthy Diet?

    What is a Heart Healthy Diet?

    It becomes very important to know what to eat and what not, if one has had a heart attack. A person with heart disease should follow a particular dietary pattern. Dash i.e.

  • How to lower your cholesterol

    How to lower your cholesterol

    Cholesterol is an important risk factor in developing heart diseases. According to the Inter heart study, the 50% population is at an attributable risk of developing heart disease with Hypercholesterolemia. It can be treated with the help of proper diet, exercise and medication.

  • How to live well with the heart disease

    How to live well with the heart disease

    Getting a heart disease is becoming more common however the important thing is to know how to live well with the heart disease. Someone with a heart disease should lead a healthy lifestyle by eating sensibly.

  • What Are The Warning Signs Of A Heart Attack

    What Are The Warning Signs Of A Heart Attack

    Heart attacks which are also known as myocardial infarctions have various signs. Cardiac pain or anginal pain is one of the most common sign of getting a heart attack. It occurs at the center behind the breast bone.

  • How Smoking affects your heart rate?

    How Smoking affects your heart rate?

    Smoking is one the common risk factors in developing heart diseases. It increases the chances of heart attacks.

  • How to increase HDL Cholesterol

    How to increase HDL Cholesterol

    There are various types of cholesterol depending upon how much protein is present in relation to fat – total or body fat cholesterol, good or HDL cholesterol, bad or LDL Cholesterol, High triglycerides or ugly cholesterol. Normal level for HDL is Forty milligram per decilitre.

  • How much salt is good for heart

    How much salt is good for heart

    Salt is an important component and is required for life. If salt is consumed more than the required amount then it tends to increase the risk of high blood pressure. Now it’s really important for us to know how much salt should be consumed in a day.

  • How does obesity affect heart disease

    How does obesity affect heart disease

    Obesity is an important risk factor in heart disease. Obesity is defined by the body mass index. And the body mass index can be calculated very easily. Firstly, find out your body weight in kgs and then divide it by your height in square meters. Now, if your BMI exceeds 24.