Want To Get Rid of Cellulite? These Pilates Exercises Can Help

If you wish to get rid of cellulite, target it with these pilates exercises along with physical activity and clean eating habits.

Vesna Jacob
Written by: Vesna JacobUpdated at: Jun 12, 2021 14:30 IST
Want To Get Rid of Cellulite? These Pilates Exercises Can Help

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

Cellulite is something that most women are struggling with these days. It is the bumpy or cottage cheese skin or orange peel skin. We need to target the particular area of cellulite with exercises that increase blood flow and promote toning of the muscle. Along with that, eating habits also play a very important role. Eating clean & organic food, drinking an ample amount of water throughout the day is a must. When it comes to exercising, you must be doing at least 20-30 minutes of walk per day to get the best results. To amp up the benefits, pilates should be done regularly as it targets the specific area and helps to get rid of cellulite quickly and effectively.

Pelvic Bridge

Pelvic Bridge

  • This is one of the effective exercises for cellulite and we will be practicing it with a foot matrix.
  • We are lifting the hips up and down with feet hip-width apart.
  • The second position is with the legs together and lift the legs together squeezing the inner thighs.
  • Squeeze in the bottom disk up and down.
  • The third position is feet apart and knees together, bottom-up and down.
  • The final position is knees apart and going up and down.
  • This is the set of four exercises that are best done 10-20 times each.
  • In between the exercises, one can do crunches so that way you will be strengthening your glutes.

NOTE: This set should be done in one go. Don’t take intervals.

All Four

All Four

  • This is hydrant or peeing dog pilates.
  • We will lift the leg to the side and then lift the hip up.
  • Keeping the thigh parallel to the floor and then take it all the way across the body.
  • This Pilates exercise is excellent for shaping the bottom as well as dealing with cellulite.
  • Do three sets of 10-20 repetitions.

V Leg

V Leg

  • You are either on your forearms or your hands.
  • Now you create a letter V by internally and externally rotating your hip.
  • Lift your leg upwards at 90 degrees angle with the upper body and keep the toes pointed.
  • Rotate your hip to form a V shape.

Straight Leg Up and Down

Straight Leg Up and Down

  • Keep flexing the toes and really squeezing the bottom.
  • This is a long exercise as you must do 50 repetitions of this exercise.
  • This is a low-impact short movement that is great for your muscles. Without stressing much about the body, it will provide you with desired benefits.
  • If your neck and shoulders are getting tired, you can put your hands on a box or some elevated surface or you can stay on your forearms.
  • Immediately after this one, bring your knee to the chest and lift your leg up to the ceiling.
  • Repeat this movement 20 times.

These are the five exercises that work great in eliminating cellulite from your thighs. At the same time, these are also shaping the thighs and lifting and perking the bottom. Since cellulite is not easy to get rid of, a high number of repetitions are suggested. If you do all of these pilates exercises regularly, these will increase blood circulation and help you get faster results.

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