Article in pneumonia सर्दियों में बुजुर्गों में रहता है निमोनिया होने का अधिक जोखिम, जानें कारण और बचाव के तरीके Pneumonia in Elderly: बुजुर्गों को यदि बार-बार बुखार आ रहा है तो यह निमोनिया हो सकता है। Pneumonia In Children: Foods You Should Add To Your Kid's Diet Pneumonia in kids can be concerning. While taking medications and following proper hygiene are crucial, diet can also help in managing the condition. CDC Director Urges Winter Precautions, Suggests Masking Amid Rising Respiratory Viruses Cohen encourages to proactively get tested when feeling unwell, enabling prompt and appropriate medical intervention. Read ahead to know more. Winter and Pneumonia Risk in the Elderly: 6 Preventive Measures That Can Help With winter bringing an increased risk of pneumonia for the elderly, it is crucial to be proactive in implementing preventive measures. Read on. AIIMS Finds 7 +ve Samples Of M Pneumonia That Has Been Driving Respiratory Illness Surge In China AIIMS Delhi, part of a global consortium monitoring the spread of Mycoplasma pneumonia, emphasises the need for expanded surveillance in India. चीन में फैल रहा निमोनिया भारत में भी बन रहा खतरा, AIIMS में अब तक 7 पॉजिटिव सैंपल की हुई पुष्टि हाल ही में ऑल इंडिया इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ मेडिकल साइंस (AIIMS) में माइकोप्लाज्मा निमोनिया के 7 पॉजिटिव मामले होने की पुष्टि की गई है। What Is Walking Pneumonia, The Condition Behind China’s Mysterious Outbreak Among Children? China is witnessing another epidemic-like situation with several cases of ‘undiagnosed pneumonia,’ also called ‘walking pneumonia. Pneumonia In Children: Expert Lists Danger Signs And How To Take Care Of Your Child Pneumonia is an infectious illness that causes infection of the lungs. Scroll down to learn its danger signs and how to handle it. Another COVID-Like Pathogen Behind China’s Pneumonia Surge? Indian Govt Alerts Hospitals In Case Of Spillover Chinese health authorities assured that this sudden increase in sick children is not because of another novel pathogen like COVID-19. चीन में फैल रहे रहस्यमयी निमोनिया पर भारत सरकार अलर्ट, जानें इससे जुड़े सभी लेटेस्ट अपडेट चीन में फैल रही रहस्यमयी बीमारी ने सभी देशों की चिंता बढ़ा दी है। भारत सरकार ने भी इससे बचने के लिए नई गाइडलाइन जारी की है। 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next MORE FOR YOU