With fluctuating blood sugar levels and diabetes being one of the most prevailing issues these days, people are often advised to lead a healthy lifestyle and take care of their eating habits in order to keep blood sugar levels in check and control diabetes. Where sugar, diabetes and insulin are the words that we all have heard about and we often hear medical professionals using terms such as high and low blood sugar levels. Many people tend to use these terminologies while discussing their health conditions without having a proper knowledge about it. Where diabetes is a condition which generally affects people due to the genes and DNA that they have inherited from their parents, it can be controlled to an extent if a proper diet is followed along with leading an active lifestyle. Here is everything that you need to know about diabetes from what it is to the normal blood sugar range and some simple remedies to manage this condition.
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What is Diabetes?
Diabetes is a common condition that occurs due to a rise in blood sugar levels. Where this blood glucose is the main source of energy for our body extracted out from the food we consume. This glucose is something that is responsible for providing energy to the cells which is then utilized to repair and form different organs including the muscles and tissues along with being the main food for the brain and hence control the brain functioning as well. A drop or rise in the levels of blood sugar can result in various issues.
Diabetes is a term used to describe the rise in blood sugar levels and can further be categorized into type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Where diabetes is a chronic disease, its severity depends upon the elevation in the blood sugar levels. Some of the most common symptoms of diabetes are-
- Increased thirst
- Increased appetite
- Fatigue
- Unexplained weight loss
- Frequent Urination
- Blurred vision
- Frequent infections
Where these are just some initial symptoms of rising blood sugar levels or diabetes, this condition can actually lead to various complications such as retinal diseases, loss of vision, kidney diseases, increased risk of stroke, nerve damage, cardiovascular diseases, etc.
What is Hypoglycemia?
Hypoglycemia is a condition caused when there is a sudden drop in the blood sugar levels that is the main source of energy for the body and something that our brain functioning and nervous system depends upon. Where this condition is quite serious and requires immediate treatment. The treatment for this condition requires getting the blood sugar levels to normal very quickly with the help of high sugar food items, drinks or medication. Where the symptoms of hypoglycemia are pretty similar to that of diabetes such as
- Irritability
- Hunger
- Anxiety
- Sweating
- Pale skin
- Fatigue
- Fast heartbeat
- Shakiness
Also Read: How Diabetes In Both Men & Women Cause Fertility Issues, Pregnancy Complications
What is the Normal Blood Sugar Range?
As by now we are well aware that neither an excess nor a deficiency of anything is good for our health and hence everything should be consumed in moderation. With that being said one needs to know about the normal range of blood sugar levels so that an early detection of the problem can be done by monitoring the blood sugar levels on a regular basis.
As per Swati Bathwal, Diabetes Educator and Public Health Specialist, “Although everyone's blood sugar differs, in fact it is different for the same person, depending on their activities etc, there is a guideline recommended. According to ADA -American Diabetes Association a target range Before meals - 80-130mg/dl, 1-2 hours Post meals - below 180mg/dl should be achieved.”
(Charu Sharma is no longer associated with Onlymyhealth, and this article has been utilised from the Archives)