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Knee Replacement Surgery: Here Are Some Myths Related To It

If you have recently undergone knee replacement surgery and have many questions. Read to know in detail. 

Sambhav Kumar
Written by: Sambhav KumarUpdated at: Nov 01, 2023 12:06 IST
Knee Replacement Surgery: Here Are Some Myths Related To It

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

The popularity of knee replacement surgery is on the rise as an effective solution for knee pain and disability. This procedure involves the removal of damaged or diseased cartilage and bone from the knee joint, which is then substituted with a synthetic metal or plastic joint. Although knee replacement surgery offers substantial pain alleviation and enhanced mobility, various misconceptions about the procedure can cause unwarranted apprehension or doubt among patients. In an interaction with Only My Health Dr Pramod Bhor, Director of Orthopedics and Robotic Joint Replacement Surgeon, Fortis Hospital, Vashi.

Myths Related To Knee Replacement Surgery 

These are the myths related to knee replacement surgery

Myth 1: Knee Replacement Surgery Is Only For The Elderly Population

“Contrary to popular belief, knee replacement surgery is not limited to older groups`` of individuals. While age does play a role in determining the need for surgery, it should not be the sole determining factor. Instead, factors such as the patient's level of pain, disability, and overall health should be considered when deciding on surgery,” said Dr Bhor, adding, in certain cases, younger patients may actually be more suitable candidates for knee replacement surgery than their older counterparts. This is particularly true for those who engage in high-impact activities that place additional strain on their knees and result in earlier joint damage. By opting for knee replacement surgery, these younger patients can regain their mobility and continue leading an active lifestyle.

 Myth 2: The Knee Replacement Surgery Leads To Immense Pain

“Knee replacement surgery does not have to be excruciatingly painful. While there may be some discomfort associated with the procedure, advancements in pain management techniques have significantly reduced the level of pain experienced by patients,” said Dr Bhor. For instance, regional anaesthesia can effectively relieve pain without the side effects of general anaesthesia. Nerve blocks are another option that can provide relief and minimise the need for opioid medication. Pre and post-operative pain medication, along with physical therapy and rehabilitation, can further alleviate pain and improve mobility. Overall, with appropriate pain management strategies, most patients are able to effectively cope with any discomfort following knee replacement surgery.

 Myth 3: A Knee replacement surgery will not allow the patient to do his/her daily activities with ease

Fact: Another misconception about knee replacement surgery is that it will restrict a patient's activities. While certain high-impact activities like running and jumping may need to be adjusted or avoided, most low-impact activities are encouraged after the procedure. The main objective of knee replacement surgery is to relieve pain and restore function, enabling patients to return to their normal activities. Patients are often advised to engage in low-impact exercises such as swimming, cycling, and walking to enhance their strength and range of motion. Moreover, advancements in knee replacement technology have made it possible for individuals to maintain an active lifestyle post-surgery. For instance, robotic-assisted knee replacement surgery employs a specialised tool that aids surgeons in planning and executing the procedure with greater precision and accuracy. This can result in a more natural-feeling knee joint and improved functionality, allowing patients to confidently resume their favourite activities.

Myth #4: Knee replacement surgery will not give successful results

“In reality, knee replacement surgery is a reliable and efficient solution for individuals with damaged or deteriorated knees. With a success rate of more than 95%,  it proves to be an effective treatment option,” Dr Bhor stated. 

“Even after two decades, artificial knee implants continue to function properly. The overall success of the surgery depends on various factors such as the severity of the condition, the patient's overall health, post-operative care, and the quality of implants. So, don’t hesitate to opt for it as it gives guaranteed results,” he said further. 

Myth #5: The Patient Cannot Bend The Knees Post Knee Replacement Surgery

As per Dr Bhor, there exists a widespread misconception among many people that after undergoing total knee replacement surgery, they will be unable to flex their knees. It is important to dispel this fallacy as it is entirely false! This surgical intervention aims at relieving knee joint pain while preserving normal joint movements. 

“Numerous people who have undergone this operation not only regain the ability to bend their knees, but they also realise that they may sit on the floor without the use of any external support. Recovery occurs quickly, allowing them to participate in any preferred physical activity as soon as possible,” Dr Bhor concluded. 
