Xstream Synthetic Urine Reviews: Will It Pass A Modern Drug Test & Xstream Urine Kit Instructions For Use

Read detailed review of Xstream Synthetic Urine testing kit.

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Written by: Partner ContentUpdated at: Nov 24, 2023 10:22 IST
Xstream Synthetic Urine Reviews: Will It Pass A Modern Drug Test & Xstream Urine Kit Instructions For Use

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

Xstream is a brand of fake urine that you will read a lot about. There are a ton of reviews out there over many years. Are these Xstream reviews actually accurate any more though?

I going to compare it to the market leader, a premium synthetic urine product called Quick Luck. That way you can see how it stacks up, and I’ll explain how you use Xstream urine kit by comparison as well.

I’ll explain the characteristics needed to pass a modern drug test, and talk you through Xstream synthetic urine LabCorp standards to see if it could possibly pass.

If you’re curious, you can check out Quick Luck in advance here:

>>>Quick Luck Premium Synthetic Urine

Let’s Look At The Premium Brand First: Quick Luck

To understand if Xstream synthetic urine reviews are telling you the truth if they claim it can pass a modern drug test, you have to look at the premium brand on the market by comparison.

Quick Luck has the physics of real urine, the composition of real urine (14, chemicals), and crucially, it doesn’t rely on a heatpad either.

I’ll talk about all that in more detail later, but just as a quick contrast in comparison, it should just give you an idea of the benchmark that needs to be reached.

Xstream Synthetic Urine: How Good Is It?

Xstream has been around for a number of years. The box actually calls it “fetish urine”, and that’s partly what its original purpose was for.

However, it’s also a cover story for the fact that it was designed and sold to help you pass a drug test. But can it actually do that?

These are the characteristics that Xstream has:

  • Contains urea and uric acid
  • Balanced for pH and specific gravity ranges
  • Contains the right amount of creatinine
  • Uses a heatpad the temperature maintenance
  • Is premixed

So on the surface, that doesn’t look too bad? However, what we do have there is a very basic formula.

If the validity checks done when you submit your sample, that look for common chemicals in urine, look at things like the physics of its pH and specific gravity range, and whether it contains any adulterant such as nitrates, and look for anything more than those basics then it will be found.

However, as long as you submit it within the correct temperature range, sure, it stands a chance of passing. Not a great one admittedly, but it’s possible.

One of the bigger problems is with the heatpad. The idea is that the heatpad is a specialist type that kicks out a low but steady heat. When the sample is tucked into your clothing next your body, the gentle heat of the heatpad will help to raise it to within the correct temperature range for submission (between 90°F and 100°F). 

The problem is that there’s so little margin for error there, with the heatpad failing or not kicking out steady heat, especially in a cold environment, that it’s quite common to get to the drug testing facility and find that the sample isn’t warm enough.

Xstream Urine For Drug Test Instructions

These are the steps to use Xstream urine kit for drug test passing:

  • It’s premixed synthetic urine, so there is no need to hydrate the sample before you prepare it. This is great news, but it’s where the good news actually stops.
  • Just tucking the sample in your underwear next your skin will get it to within about 5°F of the temperature it needs to be submitted at. The heatpad also needs to be used to kick out a very gentle heat to raise it into that tight temperature range of between 90°F and 100°F. To help it, if it’s cold then short bursts of microwaving to get it within the correct temperature range (watching the temperature strip so you don’t overheat it) will help here.
  • The final step after getting the sample within the correct temperature range is concealing it. As I’ve said, it has to be next your skin. Just inside your underwear in your crotch area will be good enough. If you’re uncertain about stability, wear two pairs of underwear. They won’t search you intimately because it’s an unsupervised drug test, but they will pat you down so also wear baggy jogging bottoms.
  • Before you go into the building to submit your sample, check the temperature strip. As long as it’s got a reading, you’re good to go. If it’s cooled due to the heatpad failing, or it being cold outside, then you’ll need to warm it up. Take a small flask of hot water with you just in case this happens.

Xstream Urine Kit LabCorp: Will It Pass A Modern Professional Test?

So once you have submitted your sample, will it work? Will Xstream pass a modern urine drug test?

Let’s use submission of Xstream synthetic urine at LabCorp as an example, although in reality it could be any of the big testing companies who are all basically identical in terms of the characteristics of the drug tests they perform.

The first thing they do is check the temperature. Because it’s not a great quality heatpad, if you are inexperienced or unaware, then you could fail at this first hurdle. It doesn’t go on to the next step, it is simply rejected and you have to explain how you submitted urine that couldn’t have come from the human body.

The second thing is the validity checks. Although they don’t specifically look for the characteristics of fake urine, they do look for some of the common characteristics of human urine.

If the sample liquid isn’t within the correct pH or specific gravity range, if it doesn’t contain the right amount of creatinine, and sometimes urea or uric acid, it will fail. But some validity checks look for a chemical or two more than that. Xstream would fail that level of scrutiny.

Plus, Xstream doesn’t really smell like urine. It looks like it and froths like it (I assume it’s got albumin in it to do that, just like human urine). But it would fail the “sniff test” of a curious lab tech, as I’ve seen them state they often do because it’s a quick way of raising or lowering their suspicion.

These Are The Minimum Characteristics Synthetic Urine Needs

Overall, these are the minimum characteristics modern urine needs to pass a drug test:

  • Must contain the right amounts of creatinine, urea, and uric acid
  • Should contain at least a couple of other common chemicals that could be looked for 
  • Mustn’t rely on a heatpad
  • must be within the correct pH and specific gravity ranges
  • Should look, froth, and smell like human urine

As you can see, that’s not really a high bar to reach. But nearly every brand of synthetic urine that you can bus in smoke shops doesn’t even cover those very basics.

So when you put Xstream up against one of these premium brands, it simply cannot compete. Therefore, I can’t recommend it.

Xstream is cheap, at around $40. But you get what you pay for, and it’s not the quality needed to almost guarantee passing a modern drug test. If it’s important to ask then why would you take the risk?

Quick Luck Synthetic Urine Characteristics

Now you understand the composition of Xstream, and the minimum characteristics needed to pass a modern drug test, let’s look at how Quick Luck stacks up:

  • Contains correct amounts of creatinine, urea, and uric acid
  • Contains 14 common chemicals found in urine
  • Balanced for pH and specific gravity ranges
  • Looks, froths, smells like urine
  • Doesn’t use a heatpad to maintain temperatureAs you can see, it’s got 14 chemicals in it, rather than three. Any validity checks that look for a little more are going to be fooled. It’s an incredible insurance policy against more advanced validity checks.

Plus, it fully looks, froths, smells like human urine. I’m telling you that you won’t be able to tell the difference.

On top of all that, it doesn’t rely on a heatpad. It uses something called heat activator powder. Let’s talk you through the full instructions now, so you can see how that works.

Clear Choice Quick Luck Instructions

1. Quick Luck is premixed, so just like Xstream there’s no preparation of the physical specimen.

2. You don’t need to do any other prep before you leave. Simply tuck the sample close to your skin in your underwear to disguise and keep it warm until you arrive.

3. On arrival, before you go into the building, check the temperature strip and if it’s cool, tap in about one quarter of the heat activator powder. Shake it gently until it’s dissolved. It’s completely undetectable and will raise the temperature slightly. Do this with further small amounts if needed until you get a reading. That’s it, that’s all there is to using Quick Luck.

Where To Buy Quick Luck Synthetic Urine

The conclusion of my review, and any responsible Xstream synthetic urine review should be that it’s not good enough for modern drug testing.

Quick Luck is far superior. It’s $100, so more than twice the price. However, if you want to pass a drug test, why would you settle for less?

Quick Luck is only available direct from Clear Choice, through their website at Test negative.

For me, Quick Luck is the most advanced formula on the market, and the only synthetic urine you should be looking at to try and pass a modern drug test.

Note - This article is written by Brand Desk.
