Understanding and Supporting Children with Anxiety Disorders

Children can also get anxiety. Here are some tips for parents to manage anxiety in kids.

Written by: Chanchal Sengar Updated at: Dec 17, 2023 19:21 IST

Anxiety disorders among children are a global concern, impacting their well-being and development. In India, recent statistics reveal that approximately 10-15% of children grapple with anxiety-related issues, highlighting the need for a comprehensive understanding and effective support systems. Comparing these figures with global data emphasizes the universality of childhood anxiety while recognizing the unique cultural and societal factors influencing its prevalence. 

Recognising Anxiety in Children

According to Dr Pritisha Saxena, Psychiatrist and Director, Vijaya Clinics, Centre for Skin & Mental health, Nagpur, “Similar to their global counterparts, Indian children experiencing anxiety disorders may exhibit physical symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, and digestive issues. Behavioral indicators like excessive worry, restlessness, irritability and avoidance of social situations are common. It's essential for parents and educators in India to differentiate between normal developmental worries and persistent anxiety affecting a child's daily life.”

Also Read: 10 Common Anxiety Behaviours To Watch Out For

Recent Research Insights in India

Recent research in India echoes global findings, emphasizing the intricate interplay of genetic, neurological, and environmental factors contributing to childhood anxiety. A study conducted in Lucknow estimated the prevalence of child and adolescent mental disorders as 12.1%, whereas disease-specific prevalence was 4.16% for nocturnal enuresis, 2.38% for pica, 1.78% for conduct disorders, and 1.26% for developmental disorders.

“Neuroimaging studies conducted in Indian research centers align with the understanding that certain brain regions, particularly the amygdala, play a pivotal role in anxiety disorders. This knowledge informs targeted interventions and therapeutic approaches tailored to the Indian context,” explains Dr Saxena.

How to Handle Children with Anxiety

Here are some ways that Dr Pritisha Saxena suggests to manage anxiety in children.

Cultural Sensitivity in Communication

  • Recognizing the cultural and societal nuances surrounding mental health is crucial. In India, where stigma might surround mental health discussions, fostering open communication requires sensitivity and an understanding of local perspectives.
  • Accessible Professional Guidance: Teacher , schools , tuition teachers and parents need to be educated.
  • Accessible mental health services are essential. In India, efforts are underway to improve mental health infrastructure, making professional guidance more available and reducing barriers to seeking help.
Also Read:  Mental Health A-Z: Expert Explains Anxiety And How To Deal With It

Blending Tradition and Modern Techniques

Integrating traditional practices with modern therapeutic techniques can be beneficial. Mindfulness practices rooted in Indian traditions, such as yoga and meditation, can complement contemporary approaches to anxiety management.

School and Community Involvement in India

Promoting Mental Health Awareness: Initiatives to raise awareness about mental health in schools and communities can combat stigma. In India, where misconceptions about mental health persist, education is a powerful tool for dispelling myths.

Inclusive School Policies: Working towards inclusive school policies is crucial,  tailoring education plans to accommodate the unique needs of children with anxiety is gaining recognition as an essential step in promoting a supportive learning environment.

The role of Indian Parents 

Cultural Adaptation of Coping Mechanisms: Parents in India can play a pivotal role in modeling healthy coping mechanisms, adapting traditional practices that promote emotional well-being, and integrating them into daily family life.

Advocacy for Mental Health Awareness

Advocacy for mental health awareness is essential. Parents can actively participate in local and national initiatives to destigmatize mental health challenges, creating a more understanding and compassionate society.

By incorporating these insights and statistics from India, the article underscores the global significance of addressing childhood anxiety while acknowledging the need for culturally sensitive approaches in diverse regions like India. Understanding and supporting children with anxiety disorders require a collaborative effort that bridges international research findings with local cultural contexts.


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