Do Not Ignore Shoulder Pain, It Can Be An Indication of These 6 Health Diseases

A pain in your shoulders is common but this could even indicate health disease you are not aware of.

 Onlymyhealth Staff Writer
Written by: Onlymyhealth Staff WriterUpdated at: Mar 19, 2020 17:56 IST
Do Not Ignore Shoulder Pain, It Can Be An Indication of These 6 Health Diseases

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

The shoulder pain can be likely due to an accident or injury. They are made up of several components containing three main bones: The humerus( long arm bone), the clavicle( collarbone), and the scapula( shoulder blade). The bones are cushioned by a layer of cartilage. The injury varies from performing manual labor to playing sports, or even by repetitive movement. But in case if the symptoms remain for a long time despite the physical therapy and no progress, then this could indicate disease. Here are 6 Health diseases that can cause shoulder pain. 


Shoulder pain can be a symptom of lung cancer. The most common type of lung cancer is Pancoast lung cancer tumor, mesothelioma and metastatic. 

Pancoast tumors- The tumors develop in a groove known as superior sulcus at the top of the lungs causing intense shoulder pain on the same side of the body as the affected lung, as the superior sulcus is close to the shoulder. Individuals with this kind of tumor may experience a group of symptoms called Horner syndrome and can cause changes in the eyes, including the shrinking of one pupil. 

Mesothelioma-This develops as a result of long term exposure to asbestos. In a 2015 study, 14.3% of people with mesothelioma had shoulder pain as the first symptom.

Metastatic lung cancer- A type of cancer that spreads to other areas of the body.  Shoulder pain occurs when it spreads to nearby regions, such as the bones and lymph nodes. This can even cause a range of symptoms specific to the body system that it affects. For example, It can cause symptoms of jaundice if it spreads to the liver.

Also Read: How To Tell If It Is Just a Mole Or An Underlying Skin Cancer

Heart attack

The shoulder pain happens when a blockage in an artery in your heart stops or reduces the blood flow to your heart muscle also known as myocardial infarction. Symptoms may start suddenly or slowly. It could be a feeling of tightness or pressure in your chest, faintness or dizziness, chest pain spreading to your neck, shoulders, one or both arms, fatigue, and shortness of breath. 


They can cause intense pain due to the blocking of the bile duct or when you eat fatty foods. They may cause pain in the center of your stomach, your right shoulders and between your shoulder blades. Fatigue, nausea, or vomiting can also occur.


This is the name of the chest pain that happens from clogged and narrowed arteries around your heart.  The pain can also be in your left shoulder or arms. It is not a heart attack but a sign that you may have a heart condition. The pain might get triggered due to physical activity because you need more oxygen and due to clogging your heart muscle does not get enough oxygen-rich blood. Emotional stress can also trigger it. It can either be stable ( occurs when you’re doing something or stressed that usually go away within a few minutes) or unstable ( occurs when you are at rest and symptoms last longer than 20 minutes.). Unstable angina may get worse over time and can be life-threatening.

Also Read: Angina Can Be A Warning Sign Of An Underlying Heart Disease


They can either be chronic or acute. The pancreas is located behind your stomach and near the first part of your small intestine. They release fluids that help in breaking down the food in your intestine. It even controls blood sugar by regulating the release of insulin. Acute pancreatitis can get better if treated on time while chronic pancreatitis gets worse. Some of the symptoms may be fever and fast pulse.


It is an inflammation of the pleura (thin layer of tissues) that can separate your lungs from your chest wall. A viral infection in the lungs can be the most common cause of pleurisy. Shoulder pain, headaches, muscle or joint pain, and shortness of breath are common symptoms.

Read More in Other Diseases
