Article in lung-infections Smoking, Second-Hand Smoke Stops Cancer-Fighting Proteins, Making It Harder To Treat Cancer: Expert Comments Tobacco smoking causes harmful changes in the DNA, that trigger the body to stop the manufacture of certain proteins that help fight cancer. Air Pollution: What Pregnant Women Can Do to Protect Themselves? Air pollution poses a significant risk to pregnant women and their unborn children. Read to know how pregnant women can protect themselves. Delhi Air Pollution: How to Exercise Safely in a High-Pollution Environment High air pollution levels in cities like Delhi can pose challenges to outdoor exercise. Read ahead to know the tips to combat the issue. Lung Diseases On The Rise As Air Quality Worsens: Experts Advise Including Omega-3 Fatty Acids In Your Diet Healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids are so beneficial for the lungs that they are even recommended during the treatment of lung cancer. Delhi Air Quality 'Severe': How To Protect Your Lungs From Chronic Damage Severe air pollution can cause chronic harm to our lungs. Therefore, it is important to protect the respiratory system by taking preventive measures. Health Authorities Sound Alarm on Direct Consumption From Can: Experts Caution For Health Threats To stay safe, health officials advise pouring beverages into clean glasses before consumption, reducing the risk of exposure to harmful bacteria. Chickenpox Scars Occur In 18% Of Infections: Expert Shares Causes, Precautions, And Treatment Chickenpox scars are different from other scars, yet there are no reviews on the same. फेफड़ों की गंदगी साफ करने के लिए करें इन आयुर्वेदिक जड़ी-बूटियों का सेवन, तुरंत मिलेगा फायदा Ayurvedic Herbs To Cleanse Lungs: फेफड़ों में गंदगी जमा होने से बीमारियां हो सकती हैं, जानें इसे साफ करने के लिए फायदेमंद आयुर्वेदिक हर्ब्स के बारे में। नैचुरल तरीके से फेफड़ों की सफाई कैसे करें? जानें 5 आसान तरीके How To Clean Lungs Naturally In Hindi: फेफड़ों की सफाई कैसे करें, अगर आपके मन भी यह सवाल अक्सर आता है तो इस लेख में कुछ सरल टिप्स दिए गए हैं। Can You Get Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Without Sex? Doctor Answers A Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) can spread through all kinds of sexual activity. Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next MORE FOR YOU