Article in ketamine-therapy Mothers Dealing With Postpartum Depression Can Benefit From Sound Therapy, Expert Weighs In Sound healing therapy is an age-old alternative therapy that promotes well-being in all aspects. What To Do If You Can't Afford Mental Health Therapy You can take mental health support from online therapy, community mental health resources, self-care, and friends and family when in need. A Special Needs Mom Shares How Quality Of Life In Children With Autism Can Be Improved Mother-activist Mugdha Kalra shares her account of raising a child with autism and how she focuses on improving his quality of life. Online Therapy: Why It Is Popular Among Young Adults One of the biggest benefits of online therapy is the convenience and flexibility it offers. Expert Explains Different Types Of Cold Therapy & Their Effectiveness Cryotherapy, commonly referred to as cold therapy or cold immersion therapy, is a common type of treatment that entails exposure to very low temperatures. Hot Stone Massage Therapy: शरीर के दर्द से राहत दिलाती है हॉट स्टोन मसाज थेरेपी, जानें अन्य फायदे Hot Stone Massage Therapy: इस थेरेपी को करने के लिए हल्के गर्म और नरम पत्थरों को शरीर के कुछ हिस्सों पर रखकर दबाव बनाया जाता है। Role of Occupational Therapy in Addressing Pain Management In Older Adults Occupational therapists (OTs) work with older adults to promote function and independence in daily activities, including managing pain. Sick Of Acne Breakouts? Ayurveda Expert Suggests Remedies To Manage It Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that can help treat acne. Struggling With A Sports Injury? 4 Kinds Of Therapy To Help You Recover Faster Sports injuries are painful, but engaging in these four types of sports therapy can help you recover faster. Red Light Therapy: Mechanism And Its Benefits Red light therapy can be used to help treat joint pain and inflammation. Prev 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next MORE FOR YOU