Article in increased-risk-of-prostate-cancer How Your Bowel Habits Change With Colorectal Cancer: Symptoms To Note Colorectal cancer may contribute to certain changes in bowel habits. Here’s why and the symptoms that you should watch out for. Pancreatic Cancer: अग्न्याशय के कैंसर की शुरुआत कैसे होती है? डॉक्टर से समझें अगर, लंबे समय से पेट दर्द और पाचन संबंधी समस्या हो, तो इसे नजरअंदाज न करें। यह पैंक्रियाटिक कैंसर का लक्षण भी हो सकता है। कैंसर से जंग जीत चुकी नीति आयोग की डायरेक्टर डॉ उर्वशी ने बताया इसकी जांच से इलाज तक का सफर, मिलेगी प्रेरणा Cancer Survivor Story: डॉ उर्वशी एक कैंसर सर्वाइवर हैं। आइए, जानते हैं कैंसर के इस जंग को उन्होंने कैसे जीता, उन्ही की जुबानी। Study Reveals That Air Pollution May Increase The Risk Of Parkinson’s Disease, Expert Explains How While genetics play a role in Parkinson's susceptibility, environmental factors, including air pollution, can interact with genetic predispositions. अल्जाइमर के खतरे को कम करने के लिए कैसा होना चाहिए खान-पान? जानें क्या कहती है नई स्टडी एक स्टडी के मुताबिक खान-पान को बेहतर और हेल्दी रखकर अल्जाइमर के खतरे को कम किया जा सकता है। आइये जानते हैं इसके बारे में। Winter and Pneumonia Risk in the Elderly: 6 Preventive Measures That Can Help With winter bringing an increased risk of pneumonia for the elderly, it is crucial to be proactive in implementing preventive measures. Read on. Salivary Gland Cancer In Elderly patients: What Are The Symptoms And Prevention Salivary gland cancer is an uncommon condition in which malignant cells grow in salivary gland tissues. Read to know in detail. Hypertension Risk: How Much Salt Should You Consume To Keep Blood Pressure In Check To keep your blood pressure levels under control, consume healthy levels of salt. Here’s what is recommended. Exercise Enhances Quality of Life for Women with Advanced Breast Cancer, Study Finds Benefits included increased social functioning and reductions in pain, shortness of breath, and fatigue. Read ahead to know more. Faster Walking Speed Linked to Lower Risk of Type 2 Diabetes, New Study Reveals The study underscores the potential of brisk walking as an effective and straightforward strategy to mitigate the rising epidemic of Type 2 diabetes. Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next MORE FOR YOU 39-50% Of All COVID Cases In US Are Due To JN.1, Declares CDC: Here’s Your Latest Update On This New Variant Nursing Bottle Caries In Children: Expert Lists Its Symptoms, Causes And Treatment Data Hints that Leprosy is Making a Comeback: Doctor Suggests Tips to Protect Yourself From This Infection Every Time You Get Infected By COVID, It Shoots Up Your Chances Of Long COVID: Study Are You Pregnant? Embrace the Nutritional Benefits of Pears for a Healthier Pregnancy Journey Tension Vs Migraine Headaches: Expert Shares The Difference And Tips To Manage Tension Headaches