Article in gerd Mastering GERD Management: Expert Lists Tips for Dietary and Lifestyle Changes Managing GERD requires a proactive approach that involves making significant changes to dietary and lifestyle choices. GERD की समस्या होने पर नजर आते हैं ये 5 लक्षण, न करें इग्नोर Symptoms Of Gerd: अगर आपको भी गले में जलन, खाने निगलने में दिक्कत, हार्ट बर्न और खट्टी डकार जैसी समस्याए होती हैं, तो यह जर्ड हो सकता हैं। Heartburn Problem: Here're The Complications When It Becomes Chronic During heartburns, stomach acid backflows into the oesophagus, which can complicate your health when the condition becomes chronic. Sour Taste In The Mouth? Possible Causes To Note Do you have a sour taste in your mouth? Is it affecting your appetite? Here’s what may be causing it. Bloating, Burping, And Belching: When Does Acid Reflux Become Serious? Do not ignore chronic acid reflux and heartburn. Here’s what the doctor has to say about the symptoms and treatment options. GERD: Foods That Trigger Acid Reflux and Heartburn Your diet plays a significant role in preventing acidity and heartburn. Therefore, it is important to know about the foods you should avoid. गैस्ट्रोएसोफेगल रिफ्लक्स डिजीज (GERD) क्या है और क्यों होती है? डॉक्टर से आसान भाषा में समझें कारण Causes Of GERD Disease: गैस्ट्रोइसोफेगल रिफ्लक्स रोग किन कारणों से होता है? आइए डॉक्टर से आसान भाषा में समझते हैं। एसिडिटी और सीने में जलन (GERD) से राहत के लिए आजमाएं ये 5 आयुर्वेदिक उपाय Ayurvedic Home Remedies For GERD: एसिडिटी और सीने में जलन होना GERD की समस्या के लक्षण हैं। एसिड रिफ्लक्स डाइट क्या है? जानें क्यों है ये पॉपुलर Acid Reflux Diet in Hindi: एसिड रिफ्लक्स डाइट का सेवन GERD की समस्या में बहुत फायदेमंद माना जाता है, जानें इसके बारे में। The Link Between GERD and Obstructive Sleep Apnea If you have GERD, you are at a greater risk of developing obstructive sleep apnoea. MORE FOR YOU 39-50% Of All COVID Cases In US Are Due To JN.1, Declares CDC: Here’s Your Latest Update On This New Variant Nursing Bottle Caries In Children: Expert Lists Its Symptoms, Causes And Treatment Data Hints that Leprosy is Making a Comeback: Doctor Suggests Tips to Protect Yourself From This Infection Every Time You Get Infected By COVID, It Shoots Up Your Chances Of Long COVID: Study Are You Pregnant? Embrace the Nutritional Benefits of Pears for a Healthier Pregnancy Journey Tension Vs Migraine Headaches: Expert Shares The Difference And Tips To Manage Tension Headaches