Pilates ring is an equipment that is generally used by pilates expert. This can be used to perform various exercises as listed here.
Pilates ring or as it is called the magic ring is a beautiful piece of equipment. This ring is very small and very light-weight to be used for conducting various exercises. Factually, legends say that pilates ring is a magic ring and the half cut barrel is the spine corrector. So, magic ring nowadays is looking very different to what it was before with many variations. This is basically a metal loop with parallel ring on the side. One can use it for the upper body as well as lower body to challenge your existing pilates routine. This is different and less-complicated as compared to other pilates equipment. Thus, you can easily get a pilates ring and do exercises at home. If you do not know how to begin exercising with pilates ring, our expert Vesna Jacob has listed down five easy and effective pilates exercises using pilates ring. Check these out and practice daily to enjoy a full-body workout without going to the gym.
Here are five exercises that expert suggest doing with pilates ring.
This way, we are also facilitating the stretch as well as working on the leg and core strength
The last exercise that Vesna Jacob is suggesting to do with pilates ring is the cross-leg exercises.
These are the five exercises that can be easily done at home using pilates ring. These target all the major muscle groups and if you do 10-20 repetitions and three rounds of these exercises in the same sequence as listed above, you will get a full-body workout. If you are beginner, make sure to consult a pilates expert before starting with the workout. This steps ensures elimination of all the potential risks related to pilates. This is especially for those who have one or the other kind of health issue.
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Images credits- Vesna Jacob
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