Pilates is not a gentle fitness regime but some of the advanced pilates exercises are great for athletes. Check them out here.
It is a myth that pilates is only fruitful for women but it can also be beneficial for athletes. In contrary to the belief that Pilates is a very gentle exercise, this form can be very athletic and challenging. Doing pilates exercises would amp up strength, performance and concentration of people of all fitness levels. Thus, expert suggest athletes to practice Pilates on a regular basis to improve their fitness and yield better results. Pilates is popular as an advanced system of exercises for athletes. In this article, we will be talking about 5 advanced pilates exercises for athletes.
This is one of the most beautiful and equally powerful exercise in Pilates. It is based on side plank but with a more grace and more dynamic as a movement.
This is a combination of two exercises.
These are five advanced pilates exercises that are great for athletes. This would strengthen their core to enhance endurance and performance.
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