Why Do Muscles Get Sore Post Workout? What You Can Do About It

Muscle soreness after you start working out is extremely common. This is no reason for you to lose steam and stop exercising.

Shubhangi Shah
Written by: Shubhangi ShahUpdated at: Aug 22, 2021 09:00 IST
Why Do Muscles Get Sore Post Workout? What You Can Do About It

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

You get up in the morning full of enthusiasm to get fit. You put on your gym ware, head out to exercise and have an amazing workout. You come back fully resolved that you’ll push yourself harder the next day. When you wake up the next morning, you find it difficult to even lift your arm to brush your teeth, let alone having the zeal to go out and exercise. With aches and pain in your body, you’re torn between heading to the gym or slipping back in bed to get some relief.

This scenario might appear to each one of you, who has taken up physical activity at some point of your time. The reason why some parts of your body aches a day or two after you exercise is because of muscle soreness.

Muscle soreness post workout is common

(Photo Credit: Unsplash)

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Causes Of Muscle Soreness And How Long Does It Last

Delayed-onset muscle soreness, or DOMS, happens whenever you start a new physical activity, change your exercise routine, or extend the duration of your workout. This causes microscopic damage to muscle fibres or their surrounding connective tissues. This is the reason for your aches and pains post-workout.

You start feeling pain a day or two after your workout. Pain, ranging from mild to severe, can last from three to five days.

Whom Does It Affect? 

Anyone who starts exercising, changes his/her workout routine or duration suffers from muscle soreness. Do remember, it happens to everyone, even fitness enthusiasts and trained athletes.

Treatment For Muscle Soreness

One doesn’t need to seek medical treatment in case of muscle soreness. But you can consult your doctor if the situation worsens, such as there is swelling, or the pain gets unbearable. However, there are certain methods that can help you cope up with the pain.

Coping methods for muscle soreness

  • Ice pack: You can apply an ice pack to the part of your body where you feel the pain
  • Epsom salt: This is believed to work wonders for sore muscles. Just add some Epsom salt to warm water, you can either take a hot bath or soak the sore muscles in the water for some time.
  • Massage: Sore muscles are a good excuse to get yourself a massage and indulge in some self-care.
  • Pain killer: If the pain gets too sharp to handle, take a painkiller. However, it is good to first consult a doctor.
  • Rest: Who can challenge the benefits of a nap? Also, get 6-8 hours of sleep to let your body unwind and relax.

Other than these, there are also certain preventive tips for muscle soreness:

  • To let your muscles gradually adapt to the new physical needs, start the new activity gently.
  • Although its effect on muscle soreness is unknown, it’s always good to warm up before an exercise.
  • Similarly, many believe that stretching pre and post the workout can help you with muscle ache.
Muscle soreness is no reason for you to stop exercising

(Photo Credit: Unsplash)

Muscle soreness is no reason for you to lose steam and stop exercising. You can always work out targeting those muscles that haven’t got sore. You can always take a break for a few days and head back to exercise once you feel better. Just consider muscle soreness as your body adapting to the new activity and that you’ll get better at it eventually.

Read more articles on Exercise and Fitness

Main Image Credit: Unsplash
