‘Teeth are made to fit together in a certain way to do a certain job. If they don’t fit together, they may lead to various oral health problems.’
Yes, straight teeth do help frame your face and make your smile look nicer, but the recent wave of social media influencer-driven self-acceptance, has made a lot of people bid adieu to braces, and embrace their natural crooked teeth. Turns out, that there can be numerous health benefits of getting braces, beyond the aesthetic appeal of straight teeth, and embracing your natural self could come with certain pitfalls.
The American Association of Orthodontists shared some insights into the matter, ‘Teeth are like gears on a wheel. They are made to fit together in a certain way to do a certain job. If they don’t fit together, they can’t do their job, which may lead to various oral health problems.’ Here is a list of health benefits that will convince you to take the leap towards braces.
Crooked teeth often overlap, which makes it tougher to clean them properly. The hard-to-reach places in your teeth, due to intense overlapping, can cause food, bacteria, and plaque buildup, increasing the risk of cavities and gum disease.
If your teeth are misaligned, or jut out of their ideal place, they have a higher risk of getting damaged in an accident or sports activities. Straight teeth, as they fit in with your face and do not protrude out of their place, they are less likely to be damaged. Wear, chipping, and grinding are common problems presented by misaligned teeth. These problems further cause jawbone and joint problems.
Also Read: 8 Things You Need To Know Before Getting Braces
Misaligned teeth can put pressure on each other, and cause excessive strain and constant pressure on your jaw. STraiught teeth also help in alleviating the risk of temporomandibular joint disorder, which occurs in the hinge that connects your jawbone to your skull.
Straight teeth also make it easier to chew properly, which leads to better digestion. On the other hand, misaligned teeth may lead to inefficient chewing and digestive issues.
Also Read: When Is The Ideal Age To Get Braces, Expert Explains
Crooked teeth also cause speech issues such as lisps or stutters, because your teeth affect the placement of your lips and tongue. Straight teeth not only make you look good while speaking, they also make it easier to pronounce words correctly by providing proper alignment for the tongue and lips.
In conclusion, crooked teeth not only bring unwanted attention to your smile but also myriad diseases that can seriously harm your oral and dental health. Although this recent wave of self-acceptance was much needed by society, still you need to learn where to draw the line between self-acceptance and enabling personal shortcomings that could cause severe physical turmoil. Modern science has put miraculous procedures like dental alignment and braces at our disposal. It is crucial to consider the health benefits of these procedures, and make educated decisions to safeguard not just your aesthetics but your health as well.
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